Should people still trust co-living amidst Covid-19?
Close living situations and international neighbours don't really scream ‘best covid practices of 2020’, so why are people still putting their trust in these accommodation types?
Welcome to the mid of 2020!
We’re about 50% done with the year. Yup. Let that sink in.
If you’re already planning trips and booking flights to travel to your desired country(ies) by the end 2020, you’re not alone. After months of lockdowns, quarantines or circuit breakers – as we call them there (potato, potato) – people are getting tired from, well, not travelling.
Airlines and travel agencies are reporting an uptick of flight bookings and an increase in accommodation bookings, so it seems like things are getting back to normal. . . or at least a little closer to how it once was.
However, with all the changes we’ve been seeing, there are some things which have still been constant. One of them is the interest in Co-living spaces. Big companies are investing in them and travellers are still considering them.
Close living situations and international neighbours don’t really scream ‘best covid practices of 2020’, so why are people still putting their trust in these accommodation types?
As we prepare our itinerary ahead, choosing a comfortable and safe place to call home is important. Let’s find out why Co-living spaces still make sense during and after the pandemic.
Tracking and Tracing

When the spread of Covid-19 blew up in China, the Chinese government was able to contain and halt the spread with extreme precision and efficiency – thanks to their always-connected citizens via mobile smartphones.
As we enter the new digital norm with Singapore’s TraceTogether or Apple and Google’s privacy-focused tracing apps, tracking and tracing will only improve over time as we approach the end of the year. Besides health requirement declarations, it will probably be required of many travellers in the near future to download and register themselves on such platforms too.
Now, if you think about it, travellers who are required to undergo mandatory Covid-19 testing AND to download/register themselves on such tracing apps, would be healthy rubber-stamped minorities in large populations that commonly do not get tested.
What more, most accommodation bookings are performed online, this also serves as another layer of security to individuals as records are kept by online providers.

Hotels & resorts with facilities such as gyms, infinity pools, dining areas are usually shared by hundreds to thousands of guests in a month. It’s to no surprise that hotels spend mammoth amounts of money to clean and sanitise these public facilities.
However, with scale, comes risk. A risk that must be paid more attention to now as the whole world is in the middle of a pandemic. Though it is quite likely that hotels will employ additional manpower and measures to ensure all facilities including rooms are clean and sterile, the scale does not go away. Risk is magnified together with an increased occupancy rate.
Also, in larger buildings such as hotel buildings, air conditioning is usually centralised. That means you’re technically living in an enclosed space with hundreds to thousands of other guests. This also explains why the smell of cigarette smoke lingers in the air in hotels even after cleaning rooms and carpets.
Co-living apartments, on the other hand, are extremely private serviced residences – a cleaner accommodation alternative for short term or long term stays. With fewer people per square meter in an area, social distancing is more practical and easier to do.
While you can’t avoid living with someone else, know that within smaller groups, the risk of spreading any virus is easier to control. Co-living spaces in MetroResidences feature 5 people or less within a confined space so there’s no worry there.

This could essentially be the most probable reason for Co-living interest. With the economy looking as drab as last nights leftover dinner, travellers and locals will be seeking to actively save some money.
Co-living spaces are significantly cheaper than your standard ‘private residences’ because shared-living means shared-expenses. From monthly utilities to pax per square meter – you can maximize your buck when one chooses shared living.
Regardless of the previously mentioned worries such as close living-quarters, international neighbours and proper sanitation, people will be willing to take a little risk by choosing Co-living accommodation options.
As much as no one would admit, it almost feels that price ultimately determines our choices but to a large extent, this is true. Unfortunately, from individuals to large corporations, everyone is feeling the pinch of this economy and pragmatic choices are king.
So while you’re being pragmatic and logical when choosing a co-living space, pick a provider that makes sure your other concerns are addressed.
Here at MetroResidences, we do all we can to make sure co-living is as safe as can be. From strict and frequent travel history checks of all our guests to thorough cleaning and sterilization of our apartments, you only need to worry about your budget.
If you’re wondering about how we clean our apartments and how we are limiting unnecessary contact, check out the rest of the blog.
So stay attentive and stay smart. The next time you consider where to stay remember that co-living with the right company should be one of your options.