List of Emergency phone Numbers in Tokyo.

In the event of an emergency it is important to know who to call for help. Below are a list of emergency phone numbers for police, fire service, ambulance as well as other useful English language services including medical information, mental health, emergency assistance, counseling, and for gas and water emergencies.



(警察庁, Keisatsu-chō)


24 hours a day

English-speaking operator available 24 hours

Fire Department

(消防庁, Shōbōchō)


24 hours

English available 24 hours


(救急車 “kyukyu-sha”)


24 hours a day

English available 24 hours

Coast Guard (Sea Rescue)

(海上保安庁, Kaijō Hoan-chō)


24 hours

English available 24 hours

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Safety Consultation Center


Weekdays 8:30-17:15

Consultation for foreign residents

Tokyo Fire Department


24 hours

Emergency Telephone Consultation Center. Information Service (Can introduce hospitals, etc.)

Tokyo English Life Line

(Tell Life Line) 03-5774-0992

Everyday 9:00-23:00

(Counseling Service) Appointments: 03-4550-1146

Weekdays 11:00-16:00

“TELL is dedicated to providing effective support and counseling services to Japan’s international community and its increasing mental health needs.”

TMG Foreign Residents Advisory Center


Weekdays 9:30 – 12:00, 13:00-17:00

Consultation and counseling service for foreigners living in Tokyo.

Himawari (Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information Service)

Medical Information Service

Languages: English/Chinese/Korean/Spanish/Thai


Everyday 9:00 – 20:00

For more medical resources please visit XXXXX

Tokyo GasFor Emergency

For reporting gas leaks


03-6735-8899 (if your phone doesn’t connect to the 0570 numbers)

24 Hours

Tokyo GasCustomer Center


03-3344-9100 (if your phone doesn’t connect to the 0570 numbers)

Monday to Saturday: 09:00-19:00,

Sunday & Holidays: 09:00-17:00

Tokyo Electric Power CompanyCustomer Communication

There are several numbers in the link above depending on your inquiry.


Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government 

(Tokyo 23 wards)

03-5326-1100 Change of Address and Contract Type.

03-5326-1101 Charges, Water Leaks & Repairs, or Other Inquiries

Monday to Saturday: 08:30-20:00

24 hour support Emergency repairs (eg leaks).

Immigration Information Center

Tel: 0570-013904

03-5796-7112 (for IP phones and calls from overseas)

Weekdays from 08:30-17:15

Supported languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Filipino

COVID-19 Call Center


09:00-21:00 including weekends and holidays.

Supported languages: English, Chinese, and Korean.